Twenty Steps Down the Hall

Written by Okie Howe, March 2011, age 94



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9 Responses to Twenty Steps Down the Hall

  1. Nicole says:


    Thank you for sharing this piece. We will all be there some day, though it doesn’t seem like it. Your aunt writes some remarkable work that should be shared with many.

    Live on!

  2. mstizzle says:

    Lovely. Very insightful.

  3. F. says:

    Very insightful. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Oh my. What a rebellious spirit I have. Bully for her and her 20 steps down the hall. Funny poem and so true. Can’t break those rules.

    • Hi Georgette, Yes, this poem combines insight and humor…good combination.

      Okie, if you manage to find these comments, Georgette is from Texas and has her own feisty, insightful writing. Kathy

  5. Pingback: “Old Bridges and me”…. a “must read” …written by my 96 year old aunt | Pocket Perspectives

  6. judithhb says:

    I hope I am like your aunt Okie in 20 years time. I want to walk those 20 steps down into the hall on my own.

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